Which people and groups are researching new approaches to programming?
August 23, 2016
(filtering AskHN thread)
- Subtext by Jonathan Edwards: https://vimeo.com/106073134
- Apparatus by Toby Schachman: http://aprt.us
- Bret Victor’s explorable explanation and introspectable programming demos: http://worrydream.com
- Eve by Kodowa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZQoAKJPbh8
- Scratch by the MIT Media Lab: https://scratch.mit.edu
- Mathematica by Wolfram Research: https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica
- Unsion by Paul Chiusano: http://unisonweb.org/2015-05-07/about.html
- APX by Sean McDirmid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLrdhFEAiqo
- Awelon by David Barbour: https://github.com/dmbarbour/awelon/blob/master/AwelonProjec…
- Om Next by David Nolen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDZpSIngwm4
- Elm by Evan Czaplicki: http://elm-lang.org/