Converting a Wordpress blog to Jekyll (GitHub Pages)
I had a plenty of old posts from a previous Wordpress blog. Since I’m using GitHub pages (powered by Jekyll engine) I’ll describe my steps if you need to do the same.
To import the backup file into a fresh new instance of MySQL, you can simply use the mysql command to import the data:
mysql -u root -p < myoldblog.sql
Now with db access I need to extract the relevant information from each post, basically: date, title and content. You don’t need to be a database expert to get this information, a simple SQL query should work.
SELECT post_date, post_title, post_content FROM wp_posts
WHERE post_status="publish" and post_type="post";
I restricted my query to published posts. In other words, I’m not interested in static pages and drafts from Wordpress.
I counted 86 published posts… and perform this task by hand isn’t a wise option. In order to automate this process I’ve created a Python script that generates the correct Jekyll page for me. Nowadays I use markdown syntax to write but Jekyll also supports plain HTML so I didn’t bother to convert it.
Each post has a template for filename (YYYY-MM-DD-title.markdown) and page content:
layout: post
title: post title
{html content}
Some notes:
- Don’t forget to fill your credentials to access MySQL db.
- I had a lot of problems with UTF-8 chars and not figure out yet a good way to fix it. If you content has non-ascii chars they will disappear.
- To avoid some naming problems I replaced some chars, maybe you need more.
- This script don’t get any other data than text (images and post comments are missing)
I strongly recommend use a local instance of Jekyll before publish on GitHub. If something goes wrong GitHub will only email you with a “Page build failure” and no more details. When you push 86 files find the problem can be a mess. If you don’t know how to install check this instructions.
The final result wasn’t perfect (especially the missing chars in posts written in Portuguese) but fit my needs and now I’m able to polish each post individually.