TTMMHTW - volley, golden ratio, bitcoin, food...
December 6, 2013
some things that made me happy this week:
- Volley an “Easy, Fast Networking for Android” (consider that if you need push/pull JSON data from a REST API over HTTP)
- Golden Ratio in logo designs (via @johnmaeda)
- A book from Silvio Meira about business and entrepreneurship: Novos Negócios inovadores de crescimento empreendedor no Brasil (pt_BR)
- Christian Heilmann on 7 Things about working in I.T you don’t learn in school (specially this: Your degree opens doors, you passion opportunities)
- “A Handy Tip for the Easily Distracted” (video) by Miranda July
- An MIT Open Courseware on How to Speak Italian & Cook Italian Cuisine All at Once (mangiamo più pasta e beviamo più vino :-))
- How the Bitcoin protocol actually works (new term for me: programmable money)
- Method from KnightLab lab to quickly develop beautiful timelines using Google Docs.