TTMMHTW - ransomware, Internet of Things, LEGO, innovation
December 13, 2013
some things that made me happy this week:
- Neal Stephenson’s Novel of Computer Viruses and Welsh Terrorists a book review from NYTimes that now become popular with data kidnap and asking for ransom [new word: ransomware]
- Internet of Things concepts at TEDxWarwick Innovation Begins at Home by Andy Stanford-Clark.
- another interesting talk about IoT The Internet of Things is Just Getting Started by Arlen Nipper at TEDxNewBedford.
- MQTT is the HTTP for the Internet of Things, check this MQTT and Android links.
- The House that Twitters an old audio+slides presentation [c. 2009] describing the beginning of the concepts that industry will leverage in the next decade.
- People care about stories, not products (using LEGOs as example and why they are so popular).
- Top 5 ways to sell innovation [pdf] to sell you house but work perfectly with technology ideas.
- Selling innovation change (it’s an art)