IP representation
[Warning: This post is a backup recovery from my previous Wordpress blog. All content was automatically converted accessing a MySQL database using a Python script (details). Mostly are in Portuguese but if you are interest I can translate to English. If you found any problem dont’t hesitate to contact me in comments.]
Yesterday I came across with an interesting contruction for IP address. Suppose that you want store the address '' no matter the dot.
That produces
3232238113 (0xc0a80a21)
To return is just get the address in hex format and split in 4 sections. Means that: c0 (192) a8 (168) 0a (10) 21 (33). An example using Python generators to return using big endian format (download).
def octet(ip): for i in range(-24,8,8): yield ip >> -i & 0xff
And got each value:
r = octet(ip) r.next() # returns 192 r.next() # returns 168 r.next() # returns 10 r.next() # returns 33