
October 16, 2021

tl;dr I re-organized this space to rediscover my enthusiasm to publish things.

My relationship with Github Pages isn’t new. Almost ten years ago, on Nov 26, 2011, I submitted my first commit on this repo.

Since then, I’m exploring this space for my personal “static storage” of web content. Additionally, I spent a lot of time playing with other authoring/publishing tools. So now, at least for me, I can state: I love Github + Jekyll’s workflow and as a technologist, using git seems the best design to register and upload knowledge.

Today on this repo, I hold different types of information, but I can summarize what you’ll find here:

  • A blog. It’s Jekyll-based, and that covers a lot of content from previous years. Most are technical subjects from my years studying computer engineering (2005 - 2010) and include migrations from my earlier blog on WordPress.
  • A myriad of individual (and chaotic) HTML pages, mainly to test new ideas, for example, a genealogical tree from my family made while learning how to use D3.js.

Although I’m not the exact person who made the first commit to building this repo ten years ago, I perceived the bases that make me publish are in some way present.

In perspective, one of the main contrasts is that my daily work and focus isn’t now exclusively about coding. Instead, I’m fortunate to connect the dots of technology. As a result, I can see and apply technology as a powerful tool to strengthen a better public education in Brazil. This will, of course, reflect in my areas of interest.

But at a personal level, I’m recommitting to the foundations that drive me to publish.

And for this phase, I’m setting up some intentions:

  1. Be constant: quantity is more desirable than quality
  2. Be vulnerable to publish things out of my knowledge domain
  3. Apply curiosity as a compass
  4. Invest in compounding knowledge

Some plans I expect to develop:

  • Learn in public
  • Use writing as a tool to bond my knowledge
  • Code and release

and I don’t expect:

  • Be perfectionist
  • Spend time finding out another system for publishing
  • Make the same mistakes :)