latex + bibtex

April 21, 2010

[Warning: This post is a backup recovery from my previous Wordpress blog. All content was automatically converted accessing a MySQL database using a Python script (details). Mostly are in Portuguese but if you are interest I can translate to English. If you found any problem dont’t hesitate to contact me in comments.]

T tudo certo e nada funciona?

Supondo que voc tenha dois arquivos.

  1. artigo.tex
  2. biblio.bbl

E est tendo erros quando tenta fazer uma citao (\cite{Autor}), tipo:

  • LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
  • LaTeX Warning: Citation `XXXX' on page n undefined on input line N.

Isso acontece pois alguns arquivos precisam ser gerados (basicamente o aux, bbl e blg) e h uma dependncia circular. A soluo simples:

pdflatex artigo.tex
bibtex all
pdflatex artigo.tex
pdflatex artigo.tex