Latex Beamer themes

August 5, 2010

[Warning: This post is a backup recovery from my previous Wordpress blog. All content was automatically converted accessing a MySQL database using a Python script (details). Mostly are in Portuguese but if you are interest I can translate to English. If you found any problem dont’t hesitate to contact me in comments.]

Creating your presentation slides with Latex (Beamer) is quick and easy when you have a template to based on. I've created one example describing the main features that an average user might need and setted to different templates. You can run by typing:

$ pdflatex file.tex

Enjoy :-)

I had to rename template file from .tex to .txt to upload. If you were compile, rename to .tex again.

  1. AnnArbor - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  2. CambridgeUS - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  3. Hannover - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  4. Antibes - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  5. Copenhagen - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  6. Ilmenau - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  7. Bergen - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  8. Darmstadt - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  9. JuanLesPins - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  10. Berkeley - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  11. Dresden - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  12. Luebeck - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  13. Berlin - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  14. Frankfurt - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  15. Madrid - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  16. Boadilla - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  17. Goettingen - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  18. Malmoe - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  19. Marburg - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  20. Szeged - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  21. PaloAlto - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  22. Montpellier - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  23. Warsaw - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  24. boxes - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  25. Pittsburgh - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  26. default - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  27. Rochester - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)
  28. Singapore - template (.tex) and example (.pdf)

I created this template to quick access what that I most use on presentations. Things I forgot on purpose: I didn’t mentioned figures, but is easy too.

Worth seeing: for diagrams I noted that Dia exports to Latex, so It’s a quick way to insert some blocks or some UML interface. Finally, embed Python inside Latex still works too :-)

** See below ONLY if you are interested in HOW I made these templates **

Of course that I didn’t create each file by hand. I used the following lines to create two script files in order to replace the text and run pdflatex. (list.txt)

for i in `cat list.txt` ; do echo  "sed -e
's/^\\\usetheme{.*/\\\usetheme{$i}/' beamer-template.tex > $i-example.tex" ; done
for i in `cat list.txt` ; do echo "pdflatex $i-example.tex" ; done >